
menu monday...

Figured I'd post each menu here, so that I have a record, and just update the sidebar with the latest. Good? Here goes:

4.27 - Grilled Steak and Portabello Mushroom caps, Warm Balsamic Potato Salad, salad
4.28 - (dinner at my in-law's)
4.29 - Grilled Pork Chops, Steamed Veggies, leftover potato salad
4.30 - (out to dinner)
5.1 - Taco Skillet, Steamed Brown Rice
5.2 - Shrimp Stir Fry, leftover rice
5.3 - Peach Mango Salsa Chicken, Steamed Veggies

I've committed to trying at least one new recipe each week and there are two above. Once I upload photos, I'll post the recipes and our reviews.


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