Sort of how I am feeling right now.
As if I ate a large portion of that pie.
Do you know that mixed feeling after consuming a large, sweet, rich dessert? A little satisfied, a little bit on a sugar-high, a little grateful such delicious things exist, a little bit of, "Uh-oh, I can't believe I just ate the WHOLE thing."
That's where I am today.
One day ago we booked three plane tickets to fly to Greece for a two week vacation. We have no passports. We have made no advanced preparations to fly internationally with our toddler. The ground transportation is far from sewn up. And, we leave in...
10 days.
Color me crazy.
How did this madness come about? We have been talking about this trip since last summer. About the timing with both of our work schedules, when the right time would be for George, planning for the rising costs of airfare. I arranged my entire May work schedule to accommodate a vacation. Mr. Boom figured out his project schedule and figured mid-May to be the ideal time, right before his busy season begins. We had the dates ready. We were looking at airfares.
And then we opened the mailbox.
Inside, the Federal Jury Duty notice addressed to Mr. Boom with a notice to appear in mid-April. Not exactly stellar timing for civic duty. Postpone, you say? Not an option. He had already needed to postpone twice and a third postponement would have called him back in the late summer, at the height of his busy work season when he absolutely, no way, cannot leave his job site. Nothing left to do but put off buying tickets, report to the call and hope for a dismissal. Which would leave us mere days to know would we or wouldn't we be going on this trip. Just days to buy international airfare and figure out logistics. Days to pack and prepare while still maintaining our normal work and home schedules.
And that brings me to crazy-town. He was not, thankfully, selected for a jury and his job cleared the vacation time. Our appointment to get three expedited passports is tomorrow morning. So, here were are with TEN DAYS to prepare for our big, fat Greek vacation.
Oh, and just a little bit of a (fantastically cool) wrench in the already short timeline. Mr. Boom and I are leaving George, to spend his very first night away from us, just two days before our trip for a Bon Jovi concert! Friday night concert, stay over and return home on Saturday, fly out of the country on Sunday.
Grateful and excited? YES.
Crazy as a loon? Check!
Wish us luck...
Memory keeping in 2023
2 years ago