On the train, there are a few levels separated by small steps. Today, G decided crawling around wasn't enough. He was determined to tackle the stairs. He put his hands on the first step and rocked back and forth for awhile, trying to figure it out and then, in a flash, he was up the first step and then the second. He turned around to grin at me with a look that shouted, "I did it, Mama!"

He is asserting his independence and testing his wings (er, feet) far sooner than I ever could have imagined. Just this weekend he decided to full on crawl rather than scooting around. Within a day he was pulling up to standing on, well, everything (good-bye glass coffee table! drop that crib mattress!) and now stairs? I think this is just the beginning of a wild ride.
George is 7 months, 3 weeks.
oh! my! goodness!!!
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