
3 in 30: update and what's next...

At the beginning of February I posted about this challenge and spelled out my three goals for the month. So, how did I fare?  So-so.  I did scrapbook some by working on Project Life and will be keeping this as one of my monthly goals until I find a real rhythm and routine for making it a priority. The shelves in the bathroom were purged of numerous half-empty and expired bottles of toiletries.  It's ready to be removed and the remaining contents added to the drawers of a much smaller piece.  Lastly, the dresser top.  February's nemesis.  It just didn't get done. I'm still planing to go there but getting to organize the bedroom (the one completely un-baby proofed room) is easier said than done.  Ah well.

March is a new month and, with it, comes three new goals. This month will be busy with going away one weekend to visit family and working another but, there are things that still need to be accomplished:
  1. Scrapbook at least one page/layout each week:  Whether a week in Project Life or a traditional layout this is one I need to get done.  I have several page ideas sketched out in a notebook along with journaling and need to translate a few to paper.  A step ahead, most of the photos are already printed!
  2. Bring lunch to work each day: For health and for being budget conscious as we move forward house hunting, this just has to become part of my daily routine.  I'm giving myself one exception - I eat out the one day a month that I work at Wall Street.  Trecking my lunch through the subways = gross.  And I just don't want to give up that one lunch at Pump.
  3. Participate in Project Simplify: Look for my first post on this on 3/8/11...

1 comment:

  1. great goals - can't wait to see what the 3rd one is!!

    Hope you have an awesome visit this weekend!
