
back in time: project life catch up...

Before we left for Greece I had just one scrappy goal: get current with my project life album. Meaning, have my pages done right up until the day we left. Between gathering last minute things we needed, play dates and packing it was a bit of a feat but, I managed to get it done! Here is my week 22, using a lot of hybrid cards and the Jade digi PL kit:

{Week 22: May 27 - June 3}
I extended this PL week to include the day before we left for vacation and am glad I did. On Memorial Day we went to the zoo and took the Dino Safari. Or, as G called it, "Baba's Dinosaur Birthday party!" since opening day fell on Mr. Boom's birthday. A me and G park trip, the arrival of my Origami Owl Living Locket and a tuckered out toddler.
A park trip in the sweltering heat, brothers at play, Jack's silly TV viewing position,gifts from friends, getting back to Filofaxing and breakfast at the diner.
Caught up before vacation! Just don't ask me how far behind I am on the flip side...oops!


  1. I love it Jen! It is so clean and colorful with so many photos... you're definitely one of my very favorite "PLer" out there ;)

  2. I love it! So much fun you guys are having and PL totally suits your style.

  3. So fun - love the pics :) Since I am finally caught up {again!} I'm hoping to play with more digital fun :)
