
friday faves: the hubs, food and words...

Favorite thing about my Husband: Easy...the way he loves both me and George unconditionally. I am blessed to see his face first and last each day, to be encircled in his embrace and to have him as such a hard-working provider for our family.  It's just that simple and just that complex.  He is a family man and he loves us.  There isn't anything more I could ask for.

Favorite Restaurant: Considering how much I love to eat, this should have been an easy choice.  We don't eat out often and I haven't been to this particular restaurant in a couple of years but, it remains one of my local favorites and, if given the choice, I'd go again and again.  Swaddee House of Thai in Thornwood, NY. 

I fell in love with their red and massaman curries and pad thai when I lived just a few blocks away and continued to go back every chance I got even after I moved away.  It's a tiny little spot for a leisurely meal with charming servers and authentic tastes and ambiance. And, now I'm hungry!

Favorite Children's Book: There are several current favorites in our house that are read to exhaustion.  In fact, we've even had to replace a few copies as they have been eaten worn through. I am thankful that my son seems to have as much of a love of books as I had at his age. He'll sit flipping through pages for long periods of time and asks us to read his favorites several times a day. Always guaranteed to get a giggle from the little man are:
  • But Not the Hippopotamos, Sandra Boynton
  • Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?, Dr. Seuss
  • Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb, Al Perkins 
  • Moo, Baa, La La La, Sandra Boynton
  • Curious George at the Park, H. A. Rey
I have far too many of my own childhood favorites to ever list here but, one stand out has always been Anne of Green Gables.  I read the entire series several times over, lost in the life and adventures of Anne Shirley.  Which has me wondering if all those volumes are still in my parents basement somewhere?


  1. We are also Sandra Boynton fans :) Sophie loves the "Going to Bed Book" & "Snuggle Puppy" and Bella's current fav is also "Moo, Baa, La-La-La" :)

    If you ever feel the need o re-read the Anne books, I'll happily lend you mine!

  2. Even though I don't have kids yet, I recognize (and love) a few of those children's book titles. I'm also devoted Anne of Green Gables reader... I think my set is also in a closet at my parent's house. I really should take those with me sometime. :-)

  3. Life is good ... especially when you've got a loving family and all your basic essential needs like food and a good read are met. Hoping that life will continue to be amazing for you Jen.
