
practice makes perfect...

After much searching and debate, FI took the reins and booked our rehearsal dinner this weekend. After seeing how wonderfully everything worked at my shower and how great the food and service were, it was not a difficult choice to book the same restaurant and room for the RD. I had designed the invites for the rehearsal months ago, just waiting for the correct information to be added and now, they are ready to go!

Tonight, I'll print them on textured cardstock, mount them on black stock, round the corners and add just a single tiny clear rhinestone to the center of the chandelier for a little sparkle. With any luck, I'll have them in the mail by Thursday.

We've accomplished a few things in the past week:
  1. RD booked
  2. RD invite design done (today's accomplishments count, too!)
  3. Details of rehearsal and ceremony confirmed with our priest
  4. My Chrismation scheduled (being blessed into the church)
  5. My ring came in (cannot wait to wear it!!!)
  6. FI's ring came in
  7. FI plotted out the aisle runner design

I think there are a few others but, that's what I can think of off the top of my head. What's planned for this week? Even more big things:

  • 1st fitting (tonight!)
  • Call Riviera Bakehouse to discuss design of RD cake
  • Finalize menu, linens, decor and day of timeline with venue (Thursday)
  • Finish assembling programs
  • Paint aisle runner
  • Order girl's bridal party gifts
  • Hair trial (Saturday)

38 days to go!!! It's all feeling much, much closer and more real now. SO excited!


  1. i absolutely LOVE your invites! How did you design them??? I really think your wedding is going to be something to talk about :)

  2. Jen - great job getting all those checks. The RD invitations look awesome! Also, you and your sister are gorgeous and you look so much alike!!
