
tickled pink: nursery sneaks...

Preparing for the arrival of a new baby is always an exciting time. This round we've had the added chaos of a move. Getting ready around a preschooler, a toddler and lots of boxes and renovations. It's been...interesting ;)

I've been asked several times if the nursery is ready. Not exactly. But, it's coming along. Our babies room in the master in a bassinet for the first few months, for ease of night feedings, so there is time. Before baby girl  nearly aware, her own space will be ready. For now, the crib is made up, the changing top is stocked and her dresser is full of teeny, freshly washed clothing. The rest is details. I thought I'd share a few pink peeks of the space so far...
Wall art: "Come what may" print by Paper & Pleats, alphabet and initial wreath (in back) were freebies found via Pinterest, others designed by me
 Lamp: WalMart


project life: week 42...

Week 42 was one of my very favorite weeks...in life and in Project Life! This week, we found our home, made an offer, had it accepted and moved quickly toward making it ours. When a week starts off like that, you can't help but make it good and be inspired. But, the January Citrus Twist Kits helped it along. As I mentioned in my last post, Studio Calico's PrintShop is a fantastic line and I loved playing with the softer, lighter patterns in the 6x6 pad this week to allow the fall photos to pop.

This week we visited a local pumpkin patch, went on G's first preschool field trip to a nature center and added some fall decor.

On Monday, we made the offer on our (now) home. the bottom left photos were taken with my iPhone that day. I collaged them together, added a couple of digital stamps and the geotag/heart wood veneer.

I loved the lightness of this white and tan floral and decided to keep my date card simple, punching out a few circles and adding back in other patterns with scraps.
This stitched plastic Studio Calico pocket was perfect for adding the details of the end of our house hunting journey and details about our new home. I wrote the address, square footage, acreage, stats and offer price in my journaling.

And, with baby on the way her little face may be the next post you see unless I get some nursery sneaks together before then. If you have been effected by the (!#%*?*!!) polar vortex like we have...stay warm!!


we are HOME and sharing week 40...

We are in our new house...finally! The official move date was Saturday, January 11th, just three days after our carpet installation. It has been crazy (moving in the pouring rain), heart warming (having so much help from my parents), joyful (seeing the boys embrace this new space) and exhausting (moving from 800 sq ft to nearly 300). We are in.

We are HOME.

And, I'm feeling like I'm sort of settled even as I type this among the boxes in our office/craft room. All of the essentials are set up: kitchen, bathrooms, bedroom and family room. The rest is coming together and will continue to do so over time. Work in progress.

I took advantage of a few moments of Sunday morning quiet to share on of my January Citrus Twist Pocket Life projects with Week 40 in my 2013 PL album. Studio Calico's Print Shop? My new very favorite paper collection. Totally loved working with it and definitely need more.

G rode his scooter for the first time, colored me a love note and I reached 22 weeks in this pregnancy.

Jack stacked blocks and played music, shoe sizes were recorded (capturing the little things), we went to the zoo and I got in some scrappy time.

The weekly card is probably one of the simplest I've ever done but, I just adore this scallop rainbow paper and wanted to let it be the standout.

I have more projects to share using the January kits and will work on getting them up here in the next week or so, in between unpacking boxes. Happy Sunday!


product review: braun forehead thermometer + win!

In early December I was selected by Influenster to receive the BraunTherms VoxBox. This meant that I would be the lucky recipient of a complimentary new device: the Braun Forehead Thermometer. Awesome. Honestly though? It was one VoxBox I didn't want to have to use! Fevers stay away from my house, please.

In the midst of closing on our new home, packing, and keeping our condo clean for selling, the arrival of this new gadget was the last thing on my mind. Until Christmas Eve. Sure enough, George came down with croup. On his birthday. And, all of a sudden this new little gadget meant everything. A few days later, Jack caught a terrible cold and we needed it yet again. And, then G got sick again. And Jack got sick again and well...yeah, not fun.

My review: The Braun Forehead Thermometer is now a staple in our home. My boys never liked the ear scan and I never found it to be accurate. This is so easy, non-invasive and was as accurate (for us) as the readings at the pediatrician's office. It is as simple to use as powering it on and moving the scan from forehead to temple and back. The thermometer beeps when it has a read and the display light up to guide parents on the temperature: green - no fever, yellow - elevated temperature, red - fever. The display is even backlit, so no need to turn on a light for late night scans. It's that simple.

Disclaimer: I received this product for FREE from Influenster and Braun in exchange for my use and opinions. These opinions are solely my own and based on my personal product useage.