
project life: massive catch up...

So, it's been awhile. Again. Apologies. Again! I have been busy keeping up with Project Life...and the living that makes it happen :)  So the massive catch up is here with more to come once I can photograph the pages from the past few weeks...enjoy!

{May 21 - May 27}
Celebrating my husband's birthday, couponing success, and a great eye doctor appointment for George.
Insert front: My husband's birthday celebration (LOVE the top photo!), photos with his parents at dinner and a mini replica of the card I made him from the boys.
Insert back: some of my favorite Instagrams from our Memorial Day weekend getaway and a shot from my first time on a jet ski (thanks for the capture, Dad!)
 Park fun, how George uses language to distinguish between his two sets of grandparents, how the boys occupied themselves during the car ride (Jack's 1st long road trip)
{May 28 - June 3}
A weekly re-cap, Swackett weather app screen shot for Memorial Day, and some of George's art along with a photo of him creating.
Insert front: Sesame Place!!
Insert back: more of Sesame Place
George on his first amusement ride, discovering a new indoor play space, Mr. Boom's alumni lacrosse game, and some other favorites from the week 
 {June 4 - June 10}
Jack turns 4 months (!!!),Mr. Boom started work on a new bridge, a fun play date, favorite recipe and George enjoying looking through Project Life (reward!)
Favorite Instagram photos of the week, George learning to put on his own socks and shoes, and a Jack photo bomb
 {June 11 - June 17}
Farmer's Market, discovering George's allergy to raspberries, both boys napping at the same time (definitely a moment to document) and a gas receipt including our grocery savings points
Father's day, delicious muffins (with a tabbed recipe hidden behind the photo), Greece in the Euro Cup and a funny text conversation with Mr. Boom
 {June 18 - June 24}
An unexpected mid-week day off for Mr. Boom, coffee, play date, tummy time and outdoor fun
George turns 2.5 (!!!), visiting our local lighthouse, playing lacrosse, technology use and why I love Instagram
 As always, click on a photo to enlarge for more detail.
More to come, very soon!
Thanks for bearing with me :)


jack at 5 months and george at 2.5 years...

 on june 24th, george turned two and a half. he...
is mostly sweet
and a bit contrary
knows his abc's
can count to 20 in english and 10 in greek
is saying more every day
is generous with hugs and kisses
loves to be outside
loves cars, trains and puzzles
likes his little brother (mostly)
has super curly hair we have yet to cut
only stops moving to sleep
rarely naps during the day
wears size 3T clothes and 9.5 wide shoes
weighs 33 lbs and stands 37" tall
on july 8th, jack turned five months. he...
is incredibly happy from waking
cries only is wet, hungry or tired
loves to watch his big brother play
wears size 0-3 and some 3-6 clothes
likes his play mat and grabbing the dangling toys
eats every 2-3 hours
does not sleep through the night, not even close
is ticklish and giggly
loves when we sing
can blow raspberries
can roll over in both directions
finally likes tummy time
these boys
the very best part of life
love them to the moon and back, 
and again