
one year, and counting...

One wonderful, eventful, wild year since our wedding day.
I don't think the couple in this photo could ever have imagined how much they would experience, change and grow together in just 365 more.
This couple, tanned and newly expecting on the {honeymoon} trip of a lifetime, had just begun to realize all of the amazing things their new marriage would have in store.
And these two people were thrilled to learn just how quickly their love could expand to envelope a third little person, changing from couple to family in an instant.
Happy 1st Anniversary to the love of my life and best friend. Here's to dozens more wild and wonderful years together!


two months!!

My sweet George,

You are two months young today! Every day we have with you is such a joy and the changes and growth you have made over the past month keep us constantly amazed. To me, you still look like and feel like a little peanut but, flipping back through photos since you were born, I can't deny just how much you have grown and started to fill out. You have the most delicious chubby cheeks, second chin, yummy thigh rolls and new dimples on your hands and knees. We are in love with every inch of you!

You have found your hands and chew on them all day long - you seem to favor your right. Actually, you seem to favor your right for everything: turning your head to the right when you sleep and when you are on our shoulder and chewing on your right hand. I wonder if it's a fleeting preference or if you will be a righty for the long haul.

One of the best thing about two months, by far, is that you are finding your voice. You coo and make all kinds of noises. When you use your pacifier, you love to make lots of loud sounds and hear yourself - especially in the middle of the night! It's so rewarding for us to have "conversations" with you. We talk to you and you coo back in return. Such a delight!

And then, there is this:

You are a smiley guy and in the past week or so have figured out how to laugh! With gurgles, gums and your cheek dimple you melt us each and every time. There is nothing better to start or end a day than a laugh from our sweet boy. I pray that you can always find such joy in life.

In you 2 month photographs you are in your cute Gap corduroys. I was amazed (and a little dismayed) that the 0-3 size just barely fits you now. You are so long and filling out so well that you are sure to skip right to your next size wardrobe right at the three month mark, if not earlier! Your 2 month pediatric appointment is on March 1st and I can't wait to find your weight and length. I'm sure it's leaps and bounds from your last visit.

We love you to the moon and back, munchkin and can't wait to see what each new day brings.

All my love,


playing catch up (photos included)...

At about 6 weeks, G started smiling at us here and there. Now, at nearly 2 months he is smiling every day and directly in response to our silliness, looking at the ceiling fans or simply seeing us first thing in the morning. It's one of the most gratifying parts of parenthood right now. G was gracious enough to (finally) allow me to capture a full on cheek dimpled smile last week. *melt*
Long before having children was ever a reality for me, I knew that I would do everything I could to breastfeed my children. I feel that it is one of the very best things that I can do for George in his early life and have been very blessed that my body has worked with me in this plan and that I have an easy time feeding him. But, after eight weeks of exclusive breastfeeding it was time to start pumping, get him used to once daily bottle and allow Mr. Boom to have a chance to feed G. Yesterday was the first bottle feed - such a sweet moment between father and son:
Since his homecoming, G has slept nights in our room in a moses basket next to my side of the bed. As new parents, co-sleeping has worked out beautifully but, G is rapidly growing and will soon be to long for his first little bed and will be ready for the crib. So, today, he made his first transition - a crib nap. With the help of his rainforest soother, G napped for 45 minutes in his very own room with Yia-Yia's blanket tucked securely around him.

Nearly two months in, I am happier than ever. Becoming a mom is far better, harder and more rewarding than I could have imagined.

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g is for giraffe...

We might just need a giraffe intervention. How many can you count?

-- posted from my iPhone


recipe: thai peanut chicken (slow cooker)

No photo because it was late, G was sleeping just long enough for me to eat and it smelled too good to wait! But, really, you just need to try this recipe...delicious!

Thai Peanut Chicken (Slow Cooker)
Full Credit to: 365 Days of Slow Cooking
Serves 4-6

12 oz linguine or fettuccine noodles, cooked and drained
2 cloves garlic, minced
2/3 cup peanut butter (* I used 1/3 chunky, 1/3 creamy)
1 cup chicken broth
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch cubes
1 cup shredded zucchini
1 cup shredded carrot (*my addition)
1/3 cup soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
1 red pepper, cut into thin, long strips
1 tbsp lime juice
1 cup chopped cilantro, divided
chopped peanuts, for garnish

Add garlic, peanut butter, broth, chicken, zucchini, soy sauce, sugar, and red pepper to slow cooker. Stir to combine. Cook on low for 4-5 hours or on high for 2-3 hours. A half hour before you are going to serve, add in lime juice and 1/2 cup of cilantro. Serve over noodles and garnish with remaining cilantro and peanuts.

NOTES: I wanted extra for the week so used 2 pounds of chicken and added 1/4 cup chicken broth to compensate. I used boneless, skinless chicken tenderloins to cut down on the prep time. This dish is very easy to put together and had excellent flavor. Looking forward to leftovers!


the one where i'm a bad mom...

I'm a brand new mom. I'd confess that to anyone and readily admit I'm nowhere near close to having all of the answers. Some days I look at this tiny little being that has taken charge of our home and am, quite frankly, stumped as to how to best care for him. Sure, I know the basics and I think I'm doing a pretty good job of not screwing him up so far (I really am trying, George!). But, I also know that part of this whole parenting this is making mistakes, learning from them and moving on - asking for forgiveness all the way. I expect to get lots of unsolicited advice from family and friends and to make choices about taking or leaving that same advice.

What I did not expect - and really should have - was to be criticized by stranger moms in public. So, what parenting crime did I commit? Read on...

G and I took a quick trip to Target this morning. I had a few things to pick up and, frankly, needed to get out of the house to see the world and walk around a bit. Running on borrowed time between nursing sessions, I was armed with a list and opted to hit the not-as-nice Target because it offers garage parking, exposing G to less of the freezing air. The infant carrier sits perfectly in the front/top of the cart, closest to me and up high enough to discourage strangers from touching, while allowing great eye contact between mom and baby. This is how we shop because the stroller just doesn't make sense in this situation. I could shop the aisles of Target in my sleep so had everything on the list in record time while G happily cooed at me and the stroller toys dangling from the handle of his infant carrier.

So far so good, right?

As I walked toward the registers, scoping out the shortest line, another mom and her kids approached from the opposite end. Mom was in the center pushing an infant stroller. Along one side walked what looked to be a 5 year old struggling with a full shopping basket. On her other side was a smaller child, maybe three years, juggling several items in her arms. As we passed each other she said to the children, while gesturing to my cart, "See? I could put the carseat like that too, but it just doesn't feel safe and good moms keep their kids safe."

Are you kidding me, lady?

I shot her a dirty look (sue me) and then noticed something. Around and over her infant carrier containing her newborn was a wind break fashioned from...wait for it...a clear plastic bag that, in red, was marked "Keep away from children - suffocation hazard."


snow baby...

Yesterday, a Nor'easter came through our region and gave us 12+ inches of snow, made a mess of the roads and allowed Mr. Boom to came back home mid-day. To anyone out on the roads it was a mess but, hibernating at home and viewing it out our front windows it was a beautiful winter wonderland. This was George's first blizzard and deserved a few photos...and a snowman made by his daddy!

All bundled up and ready to meet Mr. Snowman.
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smarty pants...

G has figured out that if he kicks while in his bouncy seat he can make his friends the elephant, monkey and giraffe dance for him. He gets happy, watches them swing back and forth and then does it all over again.
Yay for babies that amuse themselves for a few minutes so momma can cook dinner!

-- posted from my iPhone


a different kind of scrapbooking tool...

I've been scrapbooking for 14 years now and it's all been about paper, adhesives and embellishments. Without all of the tactile elements, scrapbooking just doesn't hold the same appeal or charm for me. I respect that some people have made the move to digital scrapping but, it's just not for me. Except...

Being a new mom comes with a lot of information and a lot less time and sleep. There are so many more little moments to record and, suddenly, a distinct lack of paper on hand or the freedom to jump up and jot down a memory. So what to do? I realized that I am actually capturing bits of information each day - on Facebook and Twitter. My iPhone is always close at hand and status updates are an easy way to communicate. But, beyond a thread to the outside world in this NY winter, the updates also record glimpses into my days and what's happening with George.

Enter Momento. I stumbled across this app and figured, well, why not? I loaded it up and was instantly impressed. It pulled together all of my status updates from both social networking sites in a neat little calendar format in just a moment. Bingo! Journaling snippets at the touch of a screen, right in the palm of my hand. No more need to figure out how I'm going to journal my Project Life backlog. I've got it covered.

Sometimes technology is a very good thing...


captured: smiles!

George has been smiling at us more and more in the past week and, yesterday, I was able to catch a couple of small ones as he sat in his bouncy seat. This little face completely melts me!
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