
one month old letter to my son...

Dear George,

You are one month old today! The last four weeks have gone by in a rotation of feedings, diaper changes, naps, baths and tummy time. Your Daddy and I were blessed to have over three weeks at home together with you before he had to return to work. They were moments I wouldn't trade for anything as we got to know every inch of you, your developing little personality and started to figure out this thing called parenthood. We've done our very best to love you up as much as we could every single day, knowing how fleeting each moment would be.

At one month, you are awake more and more each day, sometimes for an hour and a half or more. You will tolerate tummy time for about ten minutes before howling to be turned over on your back to enjoy looking up at the animals hanging from the arch over your play mat. We've discovered three things that are sure to calm you in these early days: your Greek lullabies, Bon Jovi and looking at our ceiling fans. While you are still too young to have a favorite toy, you do like to look at the Sassy light up rattle when Mommy or Daddy spin it for you and you enjoy your time in your bouncy seat looking at your dangling monkey, elephant and giraffe friends. Lights and contrast are just fascinating!

When you are fussy, you like to be bounced gently and walked around. With your love of movement, it's no surprise that you enjoy riding in the car and fall fast asleep as soon as the engine turns over. You are cooing, sighing, grunting and squeaking more and more, letting your presence known. In the past week you've thrilled us by holding eye contact and examining our faces, just as we marvel over you and your handsome features.

You are still warming to bath time. You like having your hair washed and rinsed but, the rest of you? Not so much. You are consistent in the fact that you do not like to be undressed for baths, clothing or diaper changes. You are warm all of the time, our little furnace, and you like to stay that way!

Mommy nurses you for all of your feedings and you eat like a champ. Right now, we are averaging two and a half to three hours between meals but, you give me an occasional 4+ hour stretch. Your one month pediatrician appointment is tomorrow morning and we can't wait to see how much weight you have gained and what you are measuring now. What I know for sure is that you are far too long now for all of your newborn size sleepers and the days of your newborn onesies are numbered...I give them until the end of the week. It seems you are long and slim though, since all of your 0-3 month clothes are swimming on you.

The last month has been full of more joys than I could possibly count.

I love you forever,

-- posted from my iPhone


a whole new world...

The past week has gone by far too quickly with Mr. Boom's last week of family leave and a long weekend visit from my sister. George has been sleeping for three to four hour stretches at night, giving me a bit more sleep.

At home, we're tuned to the 'baby channel' all the time. That is, marveling over G. His many faces and big yawns...
Hanging out on the boppy and getting used to tummy time...
Playing dress up in sweet little boy clothes. Check out these Trumpette sneaker socks (he has the whole rainbow) - love them...
And delicious naps on mommy and daddy or in the bouncy seat...
And, of course, lots and lots of photos. My Project Life kit arrived on Thursday and I'm planning to use it as a 365 album of G's first year. I love the concept and how well the product is made and designed. While I also plan on doing regular scrapbooking I love knowing that I have this easier option as well and know I'll cherish having done this. My first Photo order arrived on Saturday and I'm looking forward to starting the album this week. My mom is here all week to help (thanks Mom!) and somehow, I think I might be able to convince her to hold G here and there so I can get a few things done :-)
-- posted from my iPhone


newborn photos...

Monday and Tuesday, Mr. Boom and I spent a good amount of time with our dining and kitchen area re-arranged and draped in backdrops to take George's newborn photos. I'm still getting used to my new (fabulous!) camera so, there were a lot of throwaway shots but, there were also a few that I was in love with immediately. These are all SOOC (straight out of the camera) since I have no access to Photoshop at the moment so, excuse any little specks you see on the backdrop and need for evening out the black .

Here are a few of my favorites...our little George at 11 and 12 days old:


over 1,000 taken so far...

Photos, that is! We just can't seem to resist. Between the good camera and our phones, this poor kid is likely one of the most photographed in history in his first 10 days of life. Here are several of my phone captures until the newborn pics are suitable (read: post processed) to share.

G at 6 days old waiting to see the pediatrician. His doctor was thrilled with his progress and the fact that he had gained 5 ounces since leaving the hospital two days before! Our champion eater.

Sucking his thumb at 9 days old...taking after Mom and Dad. No, we won't be encouraging this but it made for a cute picture to add to the file of "firsts".

First tummy time, on the Boppy pillow. He tolerated it very well :-)
Hmmm... Wonder what he thinks all day long.

Love this teddy bear hat we used for some newborn pics! Need to get some wear out of this one in the short time it will fit.