
32 week, 3 day belly photo...

Excuse me ma'am, there seems to be a basketball under your shirt...
Hoping that my 33 week photos will be amazing - maternity pics are scheduled for this Saturday. Asking Mother Nature for some great weather so that we can take some outdoor shots.

Today was my last trip into NYC for work until next June and I now have only 26 work days left until maternity leave...crazy and very exciting. Wrapping things up at the office is proving much more difficult than I had expected. Since I won't have a temp replacement, I need to leave everything in order for my boss to step in and monitor over a day or two each week, hopefully with some clerical support. So, that's what the next 26 days will consist of: organizing files, writing out procedures, training an admin and training my boss. Then, crossing my fingers and hoping it all runs smoothly for the six months I'll be out!

-- posted from my iPhone


oh, we're halfway there...

With the nursery, that is. Mr. Boom picked up our beautiful crib earlier today and we assembled it together this afternoon. I went into immediate nesting mode and had the bedding ironed and in the crib soon after - can you blame me?

Baby Boom's menagerie. The pillow came with the bedding set and will sit on the glider when we get it in the room. The animals will all have perches on shelves and other spots in the room before baby arrives.

And, a new addition we picked up last weekend...the giraffe mobile that plays Brahm's Lullaby.

-- posted from my iPhone


photo re-cap...

Monumental really since I have hardly looked at my poor, neglected camera in the past few months. A travesty. But, a few weeks ago two happy events collided that made my inner shutter-bug spring into action.

#1 - Welcome Isabelle!!! This sweet baby girl was born is the newest addition to my cousin's family. Jut one look and we were in love! #2 - That same weekend, my sister and nephew flew in for a visit and we took on NYC. Here they are in Times Square, complete with the Thomas backpack. And, earlier in the day in Union Square Park eating Crumbs cupcakes. My nephew had gotten a gob of seasonally appropriate orange frosting on his nose and thought everyone else should match...including Mr. Boom. Too cute! Seriously, how adorable is this little face? Certainly as sweet as the cupcake he's devouring.


a belly, an app and the fast forward button...

I'll start off first with the newest belly shot (taken today at 30 weeks, 4 days) since I haven't posted one in a few weeks. I don't see a whole lot of change from 26 weeks but, the baby is constantly trying to stretch up and out of his little space, a clear signal that he is growing and getting cramped!
I'm loving this new little photo action - shakeitphoto. If you have an iPhone, it's a great little app that takes any of your camera pics and gives them an instant polaroid effect. Even gives a little vintage wash. Fun!

Life feels a bit as though someone has pressed the fast forward button. Work days are long, filled with activity and trying to organize my office before maternity leave. Weekends have been full of visiting with family and friends, childbirth class (this past Sunday), nursery organizing and just trying to get everything we want done in the house finished before this little guy makes his appearance. That leaves evenings. Well, frankly by the end of a work day I am D.O.N.E. done. Just running on faith that it will all come together in time.

I do have photos to share from a couple of weeks ago with my sister and nephew came to visit and of my cousins' brand-new baby, Bella but - they are held up on Mr. Boom's work computer for the moment. Hoping to get a couple of favorites posted this weekend. Stay tuned!